Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries – support and information

Brachial plexus; A complex network of nerves, arising from the spinal cord that supplies the arm, hand and part of the shoulder with all movement and feeling.

This is a website created by and for adults who have a Trauma Brachial Plexus Injury (TBPI) The purpose of this much needed website is to supply information and support to adults coping with a TBPI and to help achieve a better understanding of the impact these injuries may have on the individual and their family.

There are many new cases of Brachial Plexus Injury each year of which a large proportion are adults. One of the largest single groups of adults affected by this injury are motorcyclists, so much so that the condition is often referred to in the NHS as ‘Biker’s Palsy’. The injury can also be caused to infants during the birthing process and these injuries are referred to as ‘Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Injuries’. There is an active support group for families affected by OBPI which has done great work in raising awareness of the birth related injury.

We hope, through this web site, to provide a similarly successful resource for adults with a Brachial Plexus Injury.

Our mission statement is simply to provide help and support to adults with a bpi, we do not seek to promote any specific form of therapy or treatment protocol, and are unaffiliated to any medical or non-medical institution, individual or business. The information provided here has been given by individuals and in no way reflects the views of the committee who operate the website. We are not doctors and you should ALWAYS seek the advice of a specialist if you have a brachial plexus injury. There are varying degrees of injury and each individual case varies greatly from any other. The most useful resources on this site are the injured people themselves and you are encouraged to make contact with others here for one to one support and advice. Many of us have had a bpi for a large proportion of our lives and we have ALL been through the trauma of the early months and years following injury.

We are a relatively new organisation and we welcome your suggestions and comments regarding the information available here. If you would like to see other issues addressed or are aware of other useful information that could be presented here, please contact any of the committee members via the contacts and links page.

Please feel free to use the messageboard attached to this site but also please be aware of the guidelines which are set out on the mesageboard introduction page.

Whilst it is not our intention to attempt to censor the comments and views of individuals posting messages on the messageboard, we do ask that you respect others and refrain from personal attacks.

The links at the top of this page will take you to the various pages on the site.

We sincerely hope you find this website useful.
